Prince Guy Kwete comes from a kingdom that dates back nine centuries and is nestled deep in the heart of the Central African rainforest in DR Congo. The Prince is next in line to succeed his father, the King of Kuba, Kot a-Mbweeky III.
Prince Kwete was the first son to study abroad, first in Paris, then in the US at the University of Southern California, and most recently in the UK where he studied International Relations at the London School of Economics.
The prince explains that “Kuba culture is so strong and deep and democratically structured, that it withstood the onslaught of the Belgians, the corrupting influence of Mobutu Sese Seko and multiple threats of conflict that have historically troubled the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC),”.
Despite of ravages of war, the Kuba people have continued to create their classic raffia textiles, which historically inspired modern artists like Matisse and Picasso and helped shape the 20th century modernist sensibility.
Balancing tradition and modernity has been one of the living legacies that Prince Kwete’s 67-year-old father is leaving to his son — a challenge Kwete accepts wholeheartedly.
The Prince’s main aim is to promote sustainable development of his kingdom through education, enlightened policies and partnerships with governments and global bodies that can help to preserve Kuba’s rich culture and identity.
Currently based in Brussels, Kwete is constantly in talks either with the European Union, United Nations agencies or people like Beckwith, Fisher who plan to promote Kuba culture through their photography and film in the Wurzburg Africa Online Museum project.