Board of experts from Africa

Prince Guy Kwete comes from the Kuba Kingdom that dates back nine centuries. It is situated deep in the heart of the Central African rainforest in DR Congo. The Prince is next in line to succeed his father, the King of Kuba, Kot a-Mbweeky III. Prince Kwete was the first son to study abroad, first in Paris, then in the US at the University of Southern California, and most recently in the UK where he studied International Relations at the London School of Economics.

Ag Mohamed Ali Yehia was born 1961 in Lere-Niafunke-Timbuktu (Mali). He was the national coordinator from 1994 to 2012 in the German-Mali cooperation project “Mali North Project”. The watering project in the five districts of the Timbuktu region was funded by the „Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit“ and the KfW, among others. He was Tuareg Minister in the transitional government of Mali in 2012/2013 and is an expert of the Tuareg culture.

Queen Mother Naa Dedei Onomrokor III
Korkoi Odametey stems from a tradition-rich family of the Ga tribe in south Ghana. It was her grandfather, one of the most powerful medicine man of West Africa, who instructed her into the shamanic healing ceremonies and its conventions. She learned spiritual and social dances from Ghana, but also from other West African countries. She went on tour in West Africa with her own Ensemble Aleeno and the Ensemble Ehimomo with Mustapha Tettey Addy.
Beginning of November 2018, Korkoi Odametey got crowned and appointed as „Queen Mother“ in the region Kwabenya and Dome. She is following now her spiritual and traditional destiny at the recommendation and wish of the council of elders of that region.

Sona Jobarteh was born into a Griot family from the Gambia, a tradition that dates back 7 centuries. She is the first female within this tradition to become a professional virtuoso of the Kora. Her music is uniquely poised between the preservation of her rich cultural heritage and an accessible, modern style that relates to the current era and to audiences from all over the world. At the heart of her success as an artist is her dedication to humanitarian activism in the areas of social development and educational reform on the continent of Africa.

Biography follows…
Sponsors and Cooperation Partners

Dr. Christine Bötsch, Würzburg
Christoph Müller, Würzburg
Further cooperation partners tba.
Würzburg, 15.07.2020