Salampasu Warriors
East of the Kasai River, a long snakeline of Salampasu warriors, with their skin blackened by charcoal and oil, emerge from the forest wearing warlike costumes of fiber skirts and headdresses topped with feathers. They wield swords and stamp their feet to sound their ankle rattles. Clenching sharp iron knives between their teeth, they lurch forward menacingly, displaying methods of attack that climax with throat-slitting gestures. The pounding rhythms of Ngoma drums and xylophones agitate them into a frenzy, and then with stalking movements they simulate hunting enemies. Chanting gutturally, they advance with widened eyes and pointed teeth exaggeratedly displayed.
Salampasu Warriors
East of the Kasai River, a long snakeline of Salampasu warriors, with their skin blackened by charcoal and oil, emerge from the forest wearing warlike costumes of fiber skirts and headdresses topped with feathers. They wield swords and stamp their feet to sound their ankle rattles. Clenching sharp iron knives between their teeth, they lurch forward menacingly, displaying methods of attack that climax with throat-slitting gestures. The pounding rhythms of Ngoma drums and xylophones agitate them into a frenzy, and then with stalking movements they simulate hunting enemies. Chanting gutturally, they advance with widened eyes and pointed teeth exaggeratedly displayed.